
A new take on the oldest way to trade

What is Giftin'Faith™?
Although you may not know it or believe it, we all give our time and talents freely in the hope of receiving something in return. Usually, there are contracts which means we are bound to terms and conditions. But what if there was no contract?

Giftin'Faith™ is a trade ideology whereby people are able to exchange anything of value with or without money necessarily involved. Simply put it is giving and receiving without any demands of money, but rather done in good faith. Ideally, both parties will benefit from the exchange and get what they both need without a strict contract. However, we should all be careful not to give more than we are able, and weary of those seeking to abuse our good nature in gift giving. This is a personal responsibility we all have to safeguard ourselves at all times and exercise the right to refuse what someone is asking.

A Giftin'Faith™ can be carried out in one of two ways; firstly it can be given with pure intent to bless the life of someone else, nothing expected in return. Secondly it can be for the exchange of another Giftin'Faith™ that the recipient is able to give in return.
I personally give out tons little golden nuggets of nutrition that I don't expect payment for. Before that, when I made nutrition/health consulting my sole business it felt selfish which wasn't my intention at any point... but that's business. I now prefer using a smaller amount of my time and giving simpler shorter advice to lots of people I come across who need/want expert and natural advice to their health issues.
Some examples of this is where I've chosen to pay for someone's lunch ahead of me in the queue. Another example is when I bought a phone for a homeless guy and subsequently became friends. He needed a phone to get help through the council but also I had no way of knowing where he was or how he was doing without a phone, and one evening when I expected to see him at 7pm I couldn't find him anywhere until 3am where I found him asleep, it was then I realised I needed to buy a phone for him. I think it was only around £30 and he was very grateful, I in turn got only immense satisfaction knowing I had helped and I could contact him to see how he's getting on.
A family friend of mine got in touch with me regarding this site and offered her talent for English literacy, I am dyslexic and graciously accepted her talent as gift and I asked if I could help her in return. I found out that she has started to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and so I traded her some advice and options for naturally dealing with the condition in return for her help with my phrasing of the site. 
An example of this might be that someone wants an item that is bought and in return the receiver of that gift is willing to give an exchange of their talents for the purchased item.
Who would benefit?
In short; Everyone who wishes to give and receive fairly

This way of trading is meant for everyone! Although we are so acustom only giving and receiving in money in a modern world which not only limits us but also isolates us over time by only having to engage with a hypothetical tax-man who also lost his job to the digital world

There's just so little face to face communication and connection these days! It seems only viral TikTokers are willing to offer a stranger something as a gift and ask for something in return. This is partly because society has become more and more introverted and trust isn't needed at an individual level... but it is crutial at a societal level

Finances in this world are limited and for most scarce because of misappropriation of wealth. However, we have so much more to offer each other than just money

There should be no rich and poor divide. Our God-given talents are far more valuable than the money we earn from them, and your employer knows that

Trading in this way presents an opportunity for people to ask to give a talent they can offer, and have faith that they will receive something they are needing that the other person is willing to give as a gift in exchange
Trading via use of talents has be done for thousands of years. Talents, prior to/during the time of Christ, where units of measurement usually for weighing on scales against precious metals (Matt 25:14-29). Talents were large and heavy, therefore used to measure a substantial amount of currency.

Giftin'faith™ is going back to the roots of trading via use of talents. Using your talents to exchange for something you preciously need.

Our talents today are the skills and abilities that we can offer to others. Measured against what we want to exchange with another's talent or currency. In this sense we all have a great worth and value because of our personal talents. Therefore Giftin'Faith™ is suggesting we are able to trade using those talents. This should be done for things that we[1] need, and which somebody else[2] can and wants to give to us in return.

Beginner Guitar lessons

Would you like to learn how to play, notes, chords, tabs, songs and more. All you need is your own guitar. I play guitar and have been self-taught for over 10 years. I feel that playing an instrument helps me to calm my mind especially when feeling low or anxious. There are too many benefits to mention. Music is a universal language. Learn to play in exchange of a Giftin'Faith.


The founder of Giftin'Faith™ (Sebastian P S Readhead BSc Hons) and this website graduated from Plymouth University studying Nutrition, Exercise and Health BSc (Hons) and a FdSc in Extended Science. He is able to give his service in relation to your personal health matters FREE OF CHARGE in hopes n' faith of a gift or donation in return. Both parties accept it is of their own free will and choice to gift each other as a trade for gifts and service rendered. Please get in contact via 'Be In Touch' to receive this service.

Faithful Support

This may include praying and/or fasting for someone who needs help from greater powers than ours to strengthen you in difficult times. It could also include scripture study and learning. Also supporting someone who wants to know and understand more of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Possibly even asking to be a part of a community of good people who try to Giftin'Faith all the time to support those around them.


Summer is just around the corner in the UK and more people have been getting back into old skating hobbies now than ever before. Whether you are new and you want help or you're a pro and just want to join a social group at a friendly skatepark, please reach out.


Nobody has helped me build this site and while it may not be a perfect site it's at least a tidy platform to start from. Would you like to create a website/blog of your own, see how it's done, have someone in your corner to help you get started or motivate you... I might be able to help with the experiences and things I've learnt during my time in the School of Life. Likewise, you can help me and others... so lets start sharing our gifts.

Ask and you will receive

£ 4

Donation Amount

One person's service can made ALL the difference and impact nations for generations thereafter. Consider watching from 58:30 onwards. I wish to serve people any way I can, so please help me to achieve my goal by helping you achieve yours.

Building the Giftin'Faith site

I felt inspired to create this website and have invested ~£250 in order to build it initially. All the building and work so far has been carried out by me (Seb Readhead) so far but I would be open to help and advice especially in creating a non-profit organisation.



Purchased the domain for around £120 I believe in this ideology and it's ability to help individuals positively impact their communities.


plantable seed cards

I've ordered 500 business style cards made from compostable paper containing tomato seeds. All costs are being covered by my personal funds at this time. the cards cost £189 and simply point people towards the website.
